Presentations and publications (September 2024)

Invited meetings and conference presentations

Adedotun, K., Engel, L., Thille, P., Chesser, S. Contextual factors influencing physiotherapists’ clinical reasoning related to older adult clients’ finance and economics. [Poster] Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress, Vancouver, B.C., April 2024.

Burghardt, M. “Not an accident: The work of thalidomide in 20th-century Canadian women’s history.” Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine at the Congress for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Montreal, Que., June 20, 2024.

Conci, S., Leyland, Z., Thille, P. Reflection-for-Learning and Sharing Circles with Physiotherapy Students at the Neuro Rehab Clinic. [Oral presentation] Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress, Vancouver, B.C., April 2024.

Dabiri Golchin, M., Ripat, J., Verdonck, M. Technology’s role in children with physical disabilities play: A scoping review. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference, Halifax, N.S., May 2, 2024.

Engel, L. Together we can build a better future for Manitobans whose lives are impacted by brain injury: the Brain Injury in Manitoba (BIMb) project. Opening Doors to Community Accessibility workshop day (hosted by March of Dimes Canada & Manitoba Brain Injury Association), Winnipeg, Man., June 13, 2024

Engel, L.  Why we all should include financial factors as important variables in work and health research. Institute for Work & Health Speaker Series, Toronto, Ont., June 11, 2024.

Froese, C., Wilson Lennon, M., Ripat, J., Brown, C. Occupational therapists’ journeys towards culturally safer care: A narrative inquiry. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference, Halifax, N.S., May 3, 2024.

Giesbrecht, E. Evaluating optimal seat height and angle for bilateral foot propulsion. European Seating Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, June 19-21, 2024.

Giesbrecht, E., Best, K. (2024). Impact of a peer-led telehealth wheelchair skills training program. European Seating Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, June 19-21, 2024.

Ghobadi, N., Khajoee, M., Kinsner, W., Szturm, T., Sepehri, N. Real-time Interfacing of a Pneumatically-actuated Finger-thumb Rehabilitation Device. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Sciences (EECSS’23) Brunel University, London, United Kingdom – August 3-5, 2023.

Harvey, L., Thille, P., Webber, S.C. On becoming a ‘good’ physiotherapist: exploring professional identity formation in physiotherapy students with multiple marginalized identities. Presented at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress, Vancouver, B.C., April 25-27, 2024

Harvey, L. Invited speaker, Women’s Health Research Foundation of Canada Gala, May 2024.

Harvey, L., Thille, P., Webber, S. On Becoming a ‘Good’ Physiotherapist: exploring professional identity formation in physiotherapy students with multiple marginalized identities. Rapid fire presentation, Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress, Vancouver, April 2024

Mallory-Hill, S., Ripat, J., Aging in place kitchen – exploring task zone heights for older adults. EDRA55 Human-centric environments. Portland, Oregon, June 19-22, 2024.

McWilliam, R., Fricke, M., Webber, S.C., Brown, C., Sibley K. Exploring physiotherapists’ experiences and perceptions about the factors influencing the delivery of care via videoconferencing. A qualitative description design. Presented at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress, Vancouver, BC, April 25-27, 2024.

Miller, W.C., Rushton, P., Giesbrecht, E., Nilsson, E., Smith, E. “Now you’ve got it how are you going to use it: Innovative approaches for wheelchair training.” Keynote Panel Presentation, European Seating Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, June 21, 2024.

Parsons, J. Flipping the script: A gendered environmental approach to reducing sports injury risk. Invited presenter at the Ohio State University Lower Limb Symposium, Columbus, Ohio, May 2024.

Perdomo Delgado, C., Ripat, J., Mallory-Hill, S., Bohunicky, S. Using the Technology Acceptance Model to explore the user experience of smart kitchen use among older adult women. HCI International 2024, Washington D.C.

Phenix, A., Valavaara, K., Nixon, S., Restall, G. Decolonizing engagement processes in colonized systems and structures. Workshop at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference, Halifax, NS.

Restall, G., Egan, M. The new Canadian guide to occupational therapy: Striving toward anti-oppressive practices. Keynote presentation at the London School of Occupational Therapy Annual Research Conference. Brunel University, London, U.K. Delivered virtually.

Restall, G. Mobilizing critical occupational therapy praxis to promote structural justice, equity, and rights in everyday practices. Muriel Driver Memorial Lectureship at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference. Halifax, N.S.

Ripat, J., Glazebrook, C., Mann, D., Dabiri Golchin, M., Brown, M., Alexiuk, E. Pedaling towards inclusion: understanding the impact of adapted biking. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference, Halifax, N.S., May 3, 2024.

Ripat, J., Mallory-Hill, S., Bohunicky, S., & Perdomo Delgado, C. Optimizing kitchens to support aging in place: Ergonomic Design Solutions. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference, Halifax, N.S., May 3, 2024.

Ripat, J., Giesbrecht, E., Borisoff, J., Morales, E., Harrison, K-L. Developing a standardized winter mobility course. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference, Halifax, N.S., May 3, 2024.

Sanchez-Ramirez, D., Saramento, A., Adodo, R., Hodges, G., Webber, S.C. Relationship between physical activity level and symptoms in patients with post-COVID syndrome. Presented at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress, Vancouver, B.C, April 25-27, 2024.

Sanchez-Ramirez, D., Saramento, A., Adodo, R., Tittlemier, B., Webber, S.C. Virtual pulmonary rehabilitation approaches in patients with post COVID syndrome. Presented at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress, Vancouver, BC, April 25-27, 2024.

Sanchez-Ramirez, D.C. Embracing the idea that less can be more in the rehabilitation of people living with Long COVID. The international Forum on COVID Rehabilitation Research. Toronto, Ont., April 19, 2024.

Turcotte, D., Thille, P., Young, K., Fullerton, C. Opioid Deprescribing Through a Stigma Theory Lens: clinical implications for pharmacy practice. 2024 AFPC Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference, Quebec City, Que, June 2024.

Sarmento, A., Adodo, R., Hodges, G., Webber, S., Sanchez-Ramirez, D.C. Virtual pulmonary rehabilitation approaches in patients with post-COVID syndrome. Canadian Physical Therapy Association Congress, Vancouver, B.C., April 2024.

Sarmento, A., Adodo, R., Tittlemier, B., Webber, S., Sanchez-Ramirez, D.C. Relationship between physical activity level and symptoms in patients with post-COVID syndrome. Canadian Physical Therapy Association Congress, Vancouver, B.C., April 2024.

Stitz, D., Ripat, J., Hammond, E., Hunt, S., Dabiri, M., Masi, G., Friesen, N.  Power up mobility: social participation and well-being of children. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference, Halifax, N.S., May 2, 2024.

Villar, R.; Santana, J.; de Matos, D.; Olarinde, F.; Sanchez-Ramirez, D.C. Does a person with long-COVID symptoms present physiological dysfunctions during activities of daily living? A case report. Canadian Respiratory Conference, Toronto, Ont., April 2024.

Wiens, S., Restall, G. Intersectionality and occupational therapy: a scoping review. Presentation at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference, Halifax, N.S.

Webber, S.C., Parsons, J., Crawford, T., Sargent, S., Tittlemier, T., Wittmeier, K., Chuchmach, L. Investigating the effects of Manitoba’s health system transformation on publicly funded adult outpatient musculoskeletal physiotherapy services. Presented at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress, Vancouver, B.C., April 25-27, 2024.


Akinrolie, O., Strachan, S., Webber,  S.C. , Chan, H., Messner, K., Barclay, R. Counsellors’ verbal behaviours and skills that elicit participants’ change or sustain talk in virtual motivational interviewing for physical activity among older adults. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being.  

Asmundson, M., Parsons, J., Scribbans, T., Cornish, S. The association of countermovement jump, isometric mid-thigh pull, and on-ice sprint performance in university level female and male ice hockey athletes. International Journal of Strength and Conditioning.

Barclay, R., Webber, S.C., Ripat, J., Nowicki, S., Tate, R. Self-reported factors associated with community ambulation after stroke: The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. PLOS ONE.

Brown, C.L., Tittlemier, BJ., Tiwari, KK., Loewen, H. Interprofessional teams supporting care transitions from hospital to community: A scoping review. International Journal of Integrated Care

Brown, C.L., Beach-Ducharme, D., Hart, K., Marsch, N., Chartrand, L., Campbell, M., Peebles, D., Restall, G., Fricke, M., Murdock, D., Ripat, J. (2024). Experiences of Indigenous Students in their Rehabilitation Program. BMC Medical Education.

Burghardt, M. (2024). “‘It was the worst place I ever lived’…’It was the best place I ever worked:’ Exploring the productive potential of narrative discrepancies and bias in qualitative research.” In Contemporary Vulnerabilities: Reflections on Social Justice Methodologies, edited by Claire Carter, Chelsea Temple Jones, and Caitlin Janzen. (pp. 241-266). Edmonton: University of Alberta Press.

Burghardt, M. (2024). “Not an accident: The work of thalidomide in 20th-century Canadian women’s history.” Journal of Women’s History, Johns Hopkins University

Engel, L., Ewesesan, Adedotun, K., Latulipe, C., Khan, MN., Hunt, A., Arowolo, I, Poncet, F., & Karpa, J. (2024, May/June). An individualized wallet-card addresses financial capability challenges for adults living with acquired brain injury: a longitudinal qualitative intervention pilot study [abstract]. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. DOI: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000963

Jacome-Hortua, A., Rincon-Rueda, Z., Sanchez-Ramirez, D.C., Angarita-Fonseca, A. Effects of a WhatsApp-Assisted health educational intervention for cardiac rehabilitation: A randomized controlled trial protocol. Methods and Protocols.

Kannan, L., Pitts, J., Szturm, T., Purohit, R., & Bhatt, T. (2024). Perturbation-based dual task assessment in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences.

Mayo, M.E., Auais, M., Barclay, R., Branin, J., Dawes, H., Korfage, I.J., Sawchuck, K., Tal, E., White, C.l., Ayoubi, Z., Chowdhurt, F., Henderson, J., Mansoubi, M., Mate, K.K.V., Nadeau, L., Rodriguez, S., Kuspinar, A. (2024). Measuring what matters to older persons for active living: part I content development for the OPAL measure across four countries. Quality of Life Research

Parsons J., Webber S.C., Crawford T., Sargent S., Tittlemier B., Wittmeier K., Chuchmach, L. Consolidation of publicly funded outpatient musculoskeletal physiotherapy services in Winnipeg Manitoba: effects on accessibility and service delivery. Physiotherapy Canada. Accepted

Parsons, J.L., Coen S.E. Launch of Environments Designed for Gender Equity (EDGE) in Sport & Physical Activity Lab – an international, cross-institutional, interdisciplinary research and knowledge translation hub

Parsons, J.L., Dufault, B., Milberg, B. An unconventional classroom: The effect of mandatory supervised resistance training hours in the high school Physical Education curriculum on student participation in subsequent resistance training activities. Physical and Health Education Journal. In press.

Pommer, A., Sarmento A., Singer, A., Loewen, H., Torres-Castro, R., Sanchez-Ramirez, D.C. Virtual assessment and management of chronic cough: A scoping review. Digital Health.

Ripat, J., Giesbrecht, E., Borisoff, J., Morales, E., and Harrison, K-L. (2024) Development of the Standardized Navigation of Winter Mobility & Accessibility Network (SNOWMAN) course. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science. DOI: 10.3389/fresc.2024.1330507

Ripat, J., Nixdorf, C., & Cowley, K. (2024). Identification and Assessment of Electronic Aids for Daily Living Considered Essential by Persons with High Level Tetraplegia: A Case Series. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2024.2323145

Sarmento, A., King, K., Sanchez-Ramirez, D.C. Using remote technology to engage patients with interstitial lung diseases in a home exercise program: a pilot study. Life

Sarmento, A., Adodo, R., Hodges, G., Webber, S., Sanchez-Ramirez, D.C. Virtual pulmonary rehabilitation approaches in patients with post COVID syndrome: A pilot study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 24.

Sarmento Da Nobrega, A., Adodo, R., Semenko B, Colbeck M, Hodges, G., Webber, S.C., Sanchez-Ramirez, D.C. Virtual pulmonary rehabilitation approaches in patients with post COVID syndrome: A pilot study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine.

Souleymanov, R., Still, M., Christianson, T., Morris, M., Favel1, A., Wahpoosewyan, D., McLeod, A., Gervais, L., King, A., Kîsikâw Piyesis, M., Jackson, R., Payne, M., Ringaert, L., Larcombe, L., Restall, G., Montpetit, D. (2024). The Gigii-Bapiimin study: Resilience and the impacts of COVID-19 on health and wellbeing of Indigenous People living with HIV in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Aids Care.

Szturm, T., Imran, Z., Pooyania, S., Sepehri, N. (2024) A New Method to Evaluate Hand Function in Clients with Stroke: Test-Retest Reliability and Discriminative Validity. Physiotherapy Res Rep 5: DOI: 10.15761/PRR.1000136

Webber, S.C., Thille, P., Liu, K., Wittmeier, K., Cain, P. Determining associations among health orientation, fitness orientation, and attitudes towards fatness in physiotherapists and physiotherapy students using structural equation modelling. Physiotherapy Canada.

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