Publications and presentations (January 2025)

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Akinrolie, O., Ripat, J., Strachan, S., Webber, S., McNabb, A., Peters, J., Kullman, S., Barclay, R. (2024). Virtual Motivational Interviewing for Physical Activity among Older adults: A non-randomized, mixed-methods feasibility study. International Journal of Psychology e13269.

Barclay, R., Mbabaali, S., Akinrolie, O., Chan, H., Loewen, H., Ripat, J., Salbach, NM, Scheller, C., Sylvestre, G., Webber, S., on behalf of the Winter Walk Team (2024). Identifying outdoor winter walking programs and resources for older adults: A scoping review of the grey literature. Physiotherapy Canada, 76(4); 378-388.

Coen, S.E., Downie, D., Follett, L., McCaig, S., Parsons, J.L. Gendered environmental pathways to sports injury: Insights from retired athletes in the UK high performance context. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Published online first: November 8, 2024.  

Crawford, T.*, Chartrand, L., Brown, C., Vollebregt, B., Thille, P. (2024) Evaluating access during change: A qualitative exploration of access impacts to Canadian primary care rehabilitation providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal: Social Science & Medicine – Health Services, 3,  (*indicates trainees)

Engel, L., Daun, M., Bramadat, J., and the BIMb project team (2024, August). Together we can create a better future for Manitobans whose lives are impacted by brain injury [online published report, mSpace]. Retrieved from

Engel, L. Waldman, W., Rippon, L., & *Keshavarz, E. (accepted October 2024). Should you tell others that you live with brain injury?: Things to consider about brain injury and disclosure (Information and education pages). Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. (* trainee of L. Engel)

Egan, M., & Restall, G. (2024). The Canadian Model of Occupational Participation (CanMOP). In M. Curtin, M. Egan, Y. Prior, T. Parnell, R. Galvaan, K. Sauvé-Schenk, & D. Cezar Da Cruz. (Eds), Occupational therapy and people experiencing illness, injury or impairment 8th edition. Elsevier

Fossey, E., Restall, G., Egan, M., Moll, S. (2025). Models of practice that focus on human occupation. In: T. Brown, S. Isbel, L. Gustafsson, S. Gutman, D. P. Dirette, B. Collins, B., & T. Barlott, (Eds.), (pp. 75-100). Human occupation: Contemporary concepts and lifespan perspectives. Routledge.

Hoplock, L.B., Lobchuk, M.M., Strachan, S.S., Halas, G., Olfert, C., Webber, S., Parsons, J.L. A randomized pragmatic feasibility trial to promote student perspective-taking on client physical activity level: a collaborative project. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 2024, 10(1): 123.

Kamalakannan, S., Ghaffar, A., Bachani, A., Hyder, A., Cieza, A., Bhangu, A., Bhangu, A., Bussieres, A., Sanchez-Ramirez, D.C., Gandhi, D., Verbunt, J., Rasanathan, K., Gustafsson, L., Cote, P., Reebye, R., Dela Cerna-Luna, R., Nigrini, S., Frontera W. Role and promise of health policy and systems research in integrating rehabilitation into the health system. BMC Health Research Policy and Systems 22:123 (2024).

Johnson, G.G.R.J., Roy, H., Webber, S.C., Shariff, F., Helewa, R., Hochman, D., Park, J., Hyun, E. Colorectal surgeon physical pain and conditioning: A national survey. Canadian Journal of Surgery.

Mayo, M.E., Auais, M., Barclay, R., Branin, J., Dawes, H., Korfage, I.J., Sawchuck, K., Tal, E., White, C.l., Ayoubi, Z., Chowdhurt, F., Henderson, J., Mansoubi, M., Mate, K.K.V., Nadeau, L., Rodriguez, S., Kuspinar, A. (2024). Measuring what matters to older persons for active living: part I content development for the OPAL measure across four countries. Quality of Life Research.

Parsons, J.L. , Webber, S.C., Crawford, T., Sargent, S., Tittlemier, B., Wittmeier, K., Chuchmach, L. Consolidation of publicly funded outpatient musculoskeletal physiotherapy services in Winnipeg Manitoba: effects on accessibility and service delivery. Physiotherapy Canada.

Plett, P., Gewurtz, R., Oudshoorn, A., Forchuk, C., & Marshall, C. A. (2024). Belonging through meaningful activity in the transition from unhoused to housed. PLoS One, 19(9), Article e0310701.

Restall, G. (2024). The ethical and moral imperatives of collaborative relationship-focused occupational therapy. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(2), 7-15

Restall, G., Egan, M., Valavaara, K., Phenix, A. (2024). Collaborative Relationship-Focused Practice and the Canadian Occupational Therapy Practice Process Framework. In M. Curtin, M. Egan, Y. Prior, T. Parnell, R., Galvaan, K. Sauvé-Schenk, & D. Cezar Da Cruz. (Eds), Occupational therapy and people experiencing illness, injury or impairment 8th edition. Elsevier.

Salbach, N.M., Mayo, N.E., Webber, S.C., Jones, C.A., Lix, L.M., Ripat, J., Grant, T., van Ineveld, C., Chilibeck, P.D., Romanescu, R.G., Scott, S., Barclay, R. (2024). Short-term effects of a park-based group mobility program on increasing outdoor walking in older adults with difficulty walking outdoors: the Getting Older Adults Outdoors (GO-OUT) randomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatrics, 24, 740.

Salma, J., Yamamoto, S., Salbach, N., Barclay, R., Jones, A. (2024). An Outdoor Walking Program for Immigrant Muslim Older Adults: A Community-Based Participatory Intervention. Nursing Open, 11(2); e70051.

Schlickmann Gil, S.A., Barclay, R., Salbach, N.M., Webber, S.C. Associations between mobility capacity and walking performance in community-dwelling older adults with outdoor walking limitations. Physiotherapy Canada.

Sigouin, J., Hudon, A., Veras, M., Beaulieu-Bonneau, S., Cavallo, S., Kairy, D.  Methodology for a series of rapid reviews on virtual care in rehabilitation, reviewing its advantages and challenges to inform best practices. Clinics and Practice. Accepted for publication.

Thille, P., Tobin, S., Evans, J., Katz, A., Russell, G.M. (2024). Evolving through multiple, co-existing pressures to change: a study of self-organization in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Primary Care 25.

Wener, P. (2024) CIHC collaborative competency framework for advancing collaboration 2024. Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (2024).

Veras, M., Dyer, JO, Shannon, H., Bogie, B., Rooney M., Barros Silva, P.G., Sekhon, H., Rutherford, D., Kairy D.  (2024) A Mixed Methods Crossover Randomized Controlled Trial Exploring the Experiences, Perceptions, and Usability of Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) in Health Sciences Education. Digital Health Journal Vol.

Invited meetings and conference presentations

*Adedotun, K., Thille, P., Chesser, S., & Engel, L. (2024). Contextual factors influencing physiotherapists’ clinical reasoning related to older adult clients’ finance. 2024 Canadian Physiotherapy Association annual conference, Vancouver, B.C. April 25–27, 2024. (poster presentation)
* trainee of L. Engel

Brown, J., Elhatton, C., Hasiuk, M., Menet-Espina, S., Akinrolie, O., Loewen, H., Barclay, R. (presenter) (2024). Uses of the ICECAP measure of capability in adults with neurological health conditions: a scoping review. Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL). October 2024. Cologne, Germany.

*Keshavarz, E., Hansen, N., Buckland, J., & Engel, L. (2024). Feeling excluded in financial environments: challenges and strategies to promote social participation for adults with post-stroke communication disabilities [abstract/poster]. 2024 Speech-language & Audiology Conference, Vancouver, B.C. May 9–11, 2024. (poster presentation)
* trainee of L. Engel

Kostal, K., Martin, D., Hamilton, J., Thille, P., Monnin, C., Jones, J., Williams, V., Gruber, J., Espada, A., & Raman-Wilms, L. (2024). “Swimming against the current”: Perceptions of bias in advancement in the academic health sciences. 10th Anniversary Canadian Health Workforce Conference. Ottawa, Ont.

MacDonald, L., Koening, L., & Fricke, M. (2024) Future health professionals’ reflections on becoming interprofessional collaborative practitioners. Canadian Dental Hygienists Association National Conference, Niagara Falls, Ont. October 17–19, 2024.

Mackie, P., Ashe, M.C., Barclay, R., Bayley, M.T., Donkers, S., Fleet, J., Mortensen, W.B., Peters, S., Pollock, C.L., Pooyania, S., Quigley, A., Sakakibara, B.M, Stelling, SA., Teasell, R., Yao, J., Eng, J.J. (2024). Assessing a remotely delivered seated exercise program on post-stroke lower extremity function: A trial protocol. International Society for Physical Activity and Health, Paris, France. October 2024.

Parsons, J., Coen, S.E. Sexism and sport injury – what’s the connection?  Public presentation at London South Bank University, London, UK. November 12, 2024.

Parsons, J., Tittlemier, B. Consolidation of publicly funded outpatient musculoskeletal physiotherapy services in Winnipeg: Effects on accessibility and service delivery. Manitoba Physiotherapy Association. December 12, 2024. Online.

Ripat, J. Shifting sands: Assistive technology amidst a changing context. Keynote Speaker – Australian Assistive Technology Conference. Gold Coast, Australia. November 7, 2024.

Ripat, J. Optimizing Kitchens for Aging in Place. Healthy Aging Cluster Invited Speaker. University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. November 20, 2024.

*Salsi, S. & Engel, L. (2024) Assessing financial capacity & OT: The good, the bad & the ugly (potential) biases. Misericordia clinicians, special presentation (included occupational therapists and social workers); in-person, Winnipeg, Man. October 2, 2024.
*trainee of L. Engel

Su, T. T., Barclay, R., Moineddin, R., & Salbach, N. M. Exploring the impact of attendance in an outdoor walking program on health in older adults with mobility limitations. Poster presentation at the November 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Seattle, Washington.

Thille, P., Kelly, M., Young, R. (2024) What is a theme, anyway? Introducing different approaches to creating qualitative themes. [workshop]. 52nd North American Primary Care Research Group Annual meeting, Quebec City, Quebec.

Veras, M. Integrating AI into Health Education. AI and Post-Secondary Education at the Intersection of Stakeholder Perspectives. Development of a Network of Experts. INNOVA-University of Ottawa. Ottawa, Ont. November 14-15, 2024.

Veras, M. Bridging the Digital Divide: Ethical and Equitable Technology Access for Older Adults. Webinar. Canadian Physiotherapy Association. October 17, 2024.

Veras, M. Scientific Writing and Research Impact. Faculdade IBIAPABA, Ceara, Brazil. October 23, 2024.

Webber, S.C., Hyun, E. Surgeon Wellness: The hidden and not-so-hidden physical toll of surgery. Presented at UBC General Surgery Province Wide Rounds, Vancouver, B.C. October 16, 2024.

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