Awards and Achievements


Dr. Aaron Kim, a 1987 dentistry alumnus and professor of restorative dentistry, received the Alumni of Distinction Award from the UM Dental Alumni Association. Read more.

Dr. Juliana Pfeffer, assistant professor of restorative dentistry, presented findings of a UM Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Support Fund sponsored study at the 2023 UM SoTL Symposium in May.


Dr. Blaine Cleghorn, dentistry Class of 1979, received the Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry.

Dr. Christopher Cottick, a 1990 dentistry alumnus, received the President’s Award of Merit from the Manitoba Dental Association. The award is in recognition of his significant personal contribution to the welfare of his fellow dentists and the patients he serves.

Dr. Frank Hechter, a four-time UM alumnus, including the dentistry Class of 1971, received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2023 Manitoba Dental Association President’s reception. He has been an excellent supporter of UM dental students through the establishment of the Sue and Frank Hechter Bursary and the Lenore and Irving L. Hechter Memorial Bursary.

Dr. Marc Mollot, a 1997 dentistry alumnus, received the President’s Award of Merit from the Manitoba Dental Association. The award is in recognition of his significant personal contribution to the welfare of his fellow dentists and the patients he serves.

Kellie Watson, a 1995 School of Dental Hygiene alumna, received the Alumni of Distinction Award from the UM School of Dental Hygiene Alumni Association. Read more.


Prosthodontics resident Dr. Karan Handa successfully challenged the Royal College of Dentists of Canada fellowship examination.


Dr. Vivianne Cruz de Jesus was awarded a full-time research externship for Fall 2023 from the Canadian Health Measure Survey.


Larissa Bubnowicz, a master of science student in oral biology, received the Dr. Forough Khadem Major Award for a M.Sc. student on behalf of the Health Sciences Graduate Students’ Association and the Max Rady College of Medicine.

Md Mahamudul Haque successfully completed the PhD candidacy exam and is now a PhD candidate in the Oral Biology Program. 

The following students will be graduating at the Fall 2023 Convocation:

  • Dr. Ana Carla Bezerra de Carvalho Justo Fernandes – PhD – Oral Biology
  • Dr. Karan Handa – Master of Science – Prosthodontics
  • Dr. Katherine Kazak – Master of Science – Orthodontics
  • Dr. Helen Moon – Master of Science – Orthodontics

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