More news from the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry

Dr. A. Mamandras Distinguished Visitor in Graduate Orthodontics Fund

On June 20, the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry hosted Dr. Mark Ziedenberg [M.Sc./97] and Dr. Kent Goldade [M.Sc./97], who gave a lecture titled “Lessons learned from 27 years in orthodontic private practice.”

The lecture was possible thanks to the generosity of Dr. Antonio Mamandras [M.Sc./80], who established the Dr. A. Mamandras Distinguished Visitor in Graduate Orthodontics Fund to support an annual lecture on orthodontics by a distinguished visitor or external examiner. 

Photo features Dr. Billy Wiltshire, Dr. Mark Ziedenberg, Dr. Kent Goldade, Dr. Fabio Pinherio, Dr. Gerry Solomon and graduate orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic residents.

Perio Alumni Get-Together

Alumni from UM’s graduate perio program gathered on June 7 while the Canadian Academy of Periodontology’s annual meeting was taking place in Winnipeg. The group met at Capital Grill for dinner.

[Left side of table] Dr. Kulbir Manhas, Dr. Alexia Cholakis, Dr. Chrysi Stavropoulou, Dr. Carlo Sgarbanti, Dr. Peter Xiang, Dr. John Tsourounakis, Dr. Suraya Dhalla and Dr. Paul Klassen. [Right side of table] Dr. Jonathan Bouwer, Dr. Anastasia Kelekis-Cholakis, Dr. Hoda Hosseini, Brooke Karlaftis, Dr. Daniel Su and Dr. Joseph Grauer.

Part-Time Instructor Appreciation Week

The Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry held it’s Part-Time Instructor Appreciation Week from April 8 to 12. The instructors were invited for coffee and dainties all week, and dental and dental hygiene students created posters to thank them. View photos of the posters.

Alumni reception

The Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry held its annual UM Alumni Reception at the Pacific Dental Conference in Vancouver, BC, in March. View more photos from the event.

Research Day

On April 19, 11 students and residents from the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry presented posters at the Manitoba Dental Association Conference.

The Research Day winners are:

Clinical: 1. Derek Oryniak 2. Ana Schettini

BSc(Dent): Winnica Beltrano

Basic Science: Larissa Bubnowicz

View more photos.

MDA Convention booth

For the third year, the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Medicine had a booth at the Manitoba Dental Association Convention.

Dr. Vanessa Swain, department head of restorative dentistry, said that it was by far their best and most successful. Faculty and staff at the booth were able to make connections with many alumni and had great conversations about ways they could give back, either through part-time teaching or assisting with the funding campaigns.

Class of 1984 reunion

The Class of 1984 celebrated its 40-year reunion in April at Bailey’s Restaurant in Winnipeg. Eight members attended, with Dr. Don Eagleton coming from Kelowna, B.C.

A wonderful evening was enjoyed by the classmates and spouses, with delicious food and fond memories of school days, favourite professors, social events and catching up on career and family events.

(Top row, left to right ) Dr.’s Bryan Toporowski, Don Eagleton, Ken Shek, Tony Nowakowski, Bruce Bohunicky and Peter Kowal.
(Front row, left to right ) Dr.’s Jory Stillwater, Bruce McFarlane.

In memoriam

Dr. Colin Dawes passed away on April 5, 2024. He joined the department of oral biology at UM in 1964 as an associate professor and was promoted to professor in 1972. He was engaged for nearly a half-century in the dedicated study of saliva, during which time he became a world-leading authority in its biology and contribution to oral health. Despite retiring in 2004 from full-time academic responsibilities, Dr. Dawes remained very active as a professor emeritus, continuing to publish and maintain editorial duties until 2019. Read his obituary.

Dr. Sidney Fleisher passed away on Nov. 4, 2023. He graduated from the UM dental school in 1968 and practiced dentistry well into his 80s. Read his obituary.

Dr. Ian Hamilton passed away on Dec. 30, 2023. He helped to establish the department of oral biology at the UM dental school. He also served as department head and associate dean, research. Read his obituary.

Dr. Leonard Kahane passed away on Jan. 9, 2024. He practiced dentistry in Winnipeg for 44 years. He taught at the UM dental school and served as president of the Canadian Association of Restorative Dentistry. Read his obituary.

Dr. Gregory Paul Maxim passed away on Jan. 11, 2024. After graduating from the UM dental school, he opened his practice in Transcona, where he served the community for 40 years. Read his obituary.

Dr. Dan Morrow passed away in Jan. 2024. He graduated from the UM dental school in 1968. He earned a PhD in oral pathology and oral biology in 1979 and graduated from periodontology in 1981. He served in the Canadian Armed Forces as a lieutenant colonel for 20 years.

Dr. Elliot Scott passed away on June 19, 2024. A professor emeritus in the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, he was a warm-hearted and cherished member of our academic community. Since joining the department of Oral biology in 1988, he gave long and dedicated service to the department of oral biology and leaves behind a legacy of warmth, dedication and scholarly excellence. Read Dr. Anastasia Kelekis-Cholakis’ message.

Dr. Peter Bertram Wilson passed away on June 4, 2024. He graduated from the UM dental school in 1971. He practiced dentistry in Winnipeg and served to teach part-time at the dental school for nearly a quarter of a century. Read his obituary.

Rady Researchers video profile

Dr. Devi Atukorallaya, associate professor of oral biology, was featured in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Rady Researchers video series. View the video.

Dr. Devi Atukorallaya in her lab. Text reads Devi Atukorallaya, BDS, PhD, Associate Professor, Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry.

ICD Spring Dinner

30 people wearing formal wear pose for a photo.

Manitoba Fellows of the International College of Dentists (ICD) gathered on April 26 at St. Charles Golf Club for the Spring Dinner.

Liz Wilson, president and CEO of Fort Whyte Alive, was the guest speaker and shared her knowledge of the centre and its various programs.

Regent Jean Bodnar and Deputy Regent Nancy Auyeung were pleased to welcome new Manitoba Fellows who were inducted in 2023 and 2024. New Fellows in attendance were Drs. Daron Baxter, Carla Cohn, Huma Sharief, Tony Nowakowski, and Adriana Salles, with regrets from David Kindrat and Patrick Mao.

ICD Student Award Recipient Daniella Stackiw was acknowledged and congratulated despite being unable to attend the event.

Habitat for Humanity build recruitment

Kathyrine Weckesser and Dianne Charles-Peterson, support staff from the Graduate Program Unit, were recruiting students, staff and faculty at the kickoff event for Rady Faculty of Health Sciences’ Habitat for Humanity build. Read about the experience of the volunteers from the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry.

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