News from the division of orthodontics

Dr. A. Mamandras Distinguished Visitor in Graduate Orthodontics Fund

On June 20, the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry hosted Dr. Mark Ziedenberg [M.Sc./97] and Dr. Kent Goldade [M.Sc./97], who gave a lecture titled “Lessons learned from 27 years in orthodontic private practice.”

The lecture was possible thanks to the generosity of Dr. Antonio Mamandras [M.Sc./80], who established the Dr. A. Mamandras Distinguished Visitor in Graduate Orthodontics Fund to support an annual lecture on orthodontics by a distinguished visitor or external examiner. 

11 people pose for photo at the front of a classroom.
Photo features Dr. Billy Wiltshire, Dr. Mark Ziedenberg, Dr. Kent Goldade, Dr. Fabio Pinherio, Dr. Gerry Solomon and graduate orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic residents.

American Association of Orthodontists annual session

Dr. Billy Wiltshire, professor and head of orthodontics at the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, met with three members of the Class of 2016 at the American Association of Orthodontists annual session in New Orleans in May.

Four people pose for a photo. Text on background reads "2024 New Orleans" and features "AAO" logo.
[From left to right] Drs. Santosh Jayachandran (Edmonton), Jordan Nemes (Toronto), Billy Wiltshire and Omar Khatib (Edmonton).

Wiltshire is also a visiting professor at the University of Pretoria (UP) in South Africa and met with UP residents, former residents and academic staff at the American Association of Orthodontists annual session. He will be travelling to South Africa again in October to lecture.

Five people pose for photo in front of large AAO logo.

Course requirements completed

First- and second-year orthodontics residents completed their clinical cephalometric course requirements in April.

Five people pose for photo. They each hold a piece of paper.
[From left to right] Drs. Nicole Bailey, Stella Korowski, program director Billy Wiltshire, Anita Lee and Maron Higson.

European Orthodontic Society annual scientific meeting

Dr. Mithun Manohar, a third-year orthodontics resident, attended the European Orthodontic Society annual scientific meeting in Athens, Greece, in June. He presented his master’s research. “We are proud that Mithun will be flying the U Manitoba flag at this prestigious international conference,” Wiltshire said.

10 year service award

Earlier this year, Wiltshire presented Dr. Fabio Pinheiro with a gift in lieu of 10 years of service in preventive dental science, division of orthodontics.

Dr. Wiltshire and Dr. Pinheiro shake hands. Dr. Pinheiro is holding a small box.
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