Building Excellence and Fostering Inclusion: Highlights from the College of Nursing Our commitment to excellence…
Month: November 2024
Graduate nursing students receive UMGF awards
Five students from the College of Nursing recently received $255,000 from the University of Manitoba…
Instructor aims to bridge gap for EAL nursing students
College of Nursing instructor Alia Lagace, published a study this summer in the Teaching and…
Student acknowledgements: Undergraduate
Below are previously shared undergraduate student achievements for April 2023 – April 2024. Awards —…
Student acknowledgements: Graduate
The College of Nursing congratulates and recognizes its graduate students on their achievements. November 2024…
Faculty and staff updates
Congratulations to the College of Nursing and MCNHR members on the following research and scholarly…
Research and scholarly accomplishments (July – October 2024)
Congratulations to the College of Nursing and Manitoba Centre for Nursing and Health Research (MCNHR)…
Holograms could offer interactive learning experiences
A new holographic learning platform was piloted as part of the Health and Illness course…
College creating new nursing skills video library
The College of Nursing is creating a new library of nursing skills videos on YuJa,…
Margaret Elder Hart speaker series returns with focus on planetary health
The College of Nursing hosted its annual Margaret Elder Hart speaker series event on Oct.…