College of Nursing honoured at Legislative Assembly

Members of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba gave a standing ovation to the College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences on April 15, congratulating the college for 75 years of quality nursing education.

“Our government is pleased to continue to support the College of Nursing as we consider them a valuable partner in post-secondary education in Manitoba,” said Greg Nesbitt, MLA for Riding Mountain, as he read a private member’s statement during the fourth session of the 41st legislature. “Nurses are an integral and valued component of our care teams.”

In attendance from the College of Nursing were Dr. Netha Dyck, dean; Dr. Marie Edwards, associate dean, undergraduate; Dr. Donna Martin, associate dean, graduate; Dr. Christina West, assistant professor, Trina Arnold, director of undergraduate nursing programs, Dr. Christine Ateah, vice-dean, education, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and Mark Boiteau, senior finance officer.

During their visit, the group met privately with the Minister of Health, Seniors and Active Living Cameron Friesen and Speaker Myrna Driedger, who worked as a registered nurse for several years before entering public life.

In his statement, Nesbitt noted the College of Nursing marked its 75th anniversary during the University of Manitoba 2018 Homecoming weekend with tours, a gala dinner and the launch of the 75th Anniversary Legacy Awards Fund, which was established to provide an opportunity for nursing alumni and friends to support student scholarships.

The U of M started training 18 nurses in certificate courses in 1943. Today, the college is part of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and boasts an enrollment of about 1,000 students in bachelor’s, master’s and PhD programs. The college has over 9,200 alumni.