Helen Glass Research Symposium and poster competition return

The Helen Glass Research Symposium, presented by the College of Nursing, returned September 26 and 28, with a focus on mixed methods research.

This year’s virtual event featured a public lecture and an interactive research workshop featuring two internationally renowned scholars specializing in mixed methods research: Dr. Cheryl Poth, professor and faculty member of the Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation at the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Education, and Dr. Elizabeth Creamer, professor emerita from educational research and evaluation at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

The event also included a Graduate Student Poster Competition, open to all current graduate students in the College of Nursing and doctoral students in Applied Health Sciences or Interdisciplinary Studies whose advisor is a member of the College of Nursing.

The College of Nursing wishes a big congratulations to this year’s poster competition participants, including five poster winners and an honourable mention. Links to each student’s video abstract are listed below.


Honourable mention:

The symposium is held in honour of the late Dr. Helen Glass, former director of the University of Manitoba School of Nursing and a dedicated pioneer of the nursing profession.