Issue 15 | Winter 2024/25

Portrait of Tara Horrill.

Questioning Cancer Care

Born and raised in Morden, Man., Tara Horrill [BN/05, PhD/21] always knew she wanted a career in health care. But it was while working as an oncology nurse at CancerCare Manitoba that she became drawn to research.

Dr. Moni Fricke with an artwork by Jackson Beardy from Garden Hill First Nation, one of the Island Lake communities where Fricke worked as a physiotherapist.
Educating for Equity

Thirty years ago, when Moni Fricke [BMRPT/87, M.Sc./98, PhD/16] took a position as a physiotherapist in northern Manitoba, it was a decision that greatly influenced her life and career.

Anna Chudyk sits in front of two computers and a microphone, preparing for a podcast.
Evolving Engagement

When Dr. Anna Chudyk collaborates with patients and caregivers in health research, her key goal is to ensure that their voices are heard and their priorities respected. 

Dr. Mojgan Rastegar takes cultured mouse cells from an incubator to monitor under a microscope.
Bio-banking Hope

More than a decade ago, Dr. Mojgan Rastegar gave the keynote address at an Ontario meeting focused on Rett syndrome, an incurable neurodevelopmental disorder.

Portrait of Dr. Anil Menon in a dental clinic. He is leaning against a dental chair.
Seniors’ Smiles

Dr. Anil Menon is on a mission to improve the oral health of seniors living in long-term care homes – one smile at a time. 

Kirsty Muller giving a presentation.

Heart Medicine

When Kirsty Muller [BN/14] was in her final year of nursing studies at UM, she was not looking forward to her practicum in mental health.

Actor Myles Taylor consulting with Stefanie Wiens in a theatre lobby.
Acting on Accessibility

Stefanie Wiens [BMROT/96] knew at the age of seven that she wanted to be an actor.

Serving the North

From the large window of her dental office in northern Manitoba, Judy Zetaruk [B.Sc./86, DMD/90] can watch eagles soaring over a tree-lined lake.

Portrait of Dr. Jamie Falk.
Evidence Advocate

For Dr. Jamie Falk [B.Sc.Pharm/97], asking the right questions has always been more important than finding quick answers.

Sarah Forgie standing in a hallway.
Through a Hopeful Lens

In 2024, when UM alum Sarah Forgie [B.Sc.(Med.)/95, MD/95] joined the University of Saskatchewan (USask) as dean of the College of Medicine, she immediately felt the weight of her new position.