Tracie Afifi [B.Sc./99, M.Sc./03, PhD/09], professor of community health sciences and psychiatry and researcher with the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM), has been awarded a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in childhood adversity and resilience.

Dr. Benedict Albensi, professor of pharmacology and therapeutics, received a UM Merit Award for research, scholarly work and creative activities in 2019. The award comes with a $3,000 prize.

Dr. Silvia Alessi-Severini, professor of pharmacy, received the 2020 Ed Kroeger Mentorship Award from the Health Sciences Graduate Students’ Association. The award recognizes excellence and distinction in mentorship, teaching and research.

Dr. Devi Atukorallaya, assistant professor of oral biology and researcher with CHRIM, is co-investigator for “Coupling cellular dynamics with animal behaviour in small teleost models,” which received $95,202 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.

Meghan Azad [PhD/10], associate professor of pediatrics and child health, Canada Research Chair in developmental origins of chronic disease, and researcher with CHRIM, received the 2020 Joe Doupe Young Investigator Award from the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation and the 2020 Ken Hughes Young Investigator Award in Medical Research from UM.

Dr. Lynda Balneaves [B.Sc./90, BN/94, MN/96], associate professor of nursing, was awarded $15,000 from Riverview Health Centre for “Is the grass greener? Practice, policy and perspectives of cannabis use at Riverview Health Centre.” She is co-principal investigator for “Cannabis vaping experiences and decisions among youth and young adults in Manitoba,” awarded $100,000 by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

Ruth Barclay [BMRPT/87, PhD/08], associate professor of physical therapy, is co-investigator for “Health-Related Quality of Life and Aging: Measuring what Matters to Older People,” which received $1,147,500 from the CIHR.

Cara Brown [BMROT/96, M.Sc./08, PhD/19], assistant professor of occupational therapy, is principal investigator for “Addressing Frailty with Community-Directed Physical Activity Programs in Manitoba First Nation Communities,” awarded $84,546 by the Canadian Frailty Network, and co-investigator for “Co-Designing Relational Continuity Interventions for Urban Underserved Patients Experiencing Hospital-Primary Care Transitions,” which received $40,000 from the Northern Alberta Clinical Trials and Research Centre.

Dr. Amine Choukou, assistant professor of occupational therapy, is principal investigator for “Implementation of a validated home tele-rehabilitation intervention for geriatric patients,” which received $13,589 from the Deer Lodge Centre Foundation.

Catherine Cook [MD/87, M.Sc./03], UM vice-president (Indigenous), was awarded the Calvin L. Gutkin Family Medicine Ambassador Award from the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine. The award recognizes a dynamic leader in family medicine for vision, innovation, communication skills and relationship-building.

Dr. Joan Durrant, professor of community health sciences, has been elected to the Royal Society of Canada.

Dr. Netha Dyck [BN/88], dean of the College of Nursing, has been appointed an inaugural fellow of the Canadian Academy of Nursing.

Dr. Sherif Eltonsy, assistant professor of pharmacy and researcher with CHRIM, received Research Manitoba COVID-19 Rapid Response funding of $150,000 for “The impact of population-level physical distancing during COVID-19 pandemic on health care services in Manitoba: a focus on vulnerable populations.”

Dr. Lisa Engel, assistant professor of occupational therapy, leads a team that received $382,204 from Employment and Social Development Canada for “The financial empowerment and security of Manitoban adults living with acquired brain injury.”

Dr. Spencer Gibson, professor of biochemistry and medical genetics, received $3,000,000 from the Terry Fox Research Institute and CancerCare Manitoba Foundation for the project “Prairie Cancer Research Consortium.”

Dr. Abdelilah Gounni, professor of immunology and researcher with CHRIM, was awarded $753,000 from the CIHR for “The impact of epithelial cell-derived semaphorin3E on airway remodelling in allergic asthma.”

Tom Hack [MA/91, PhD/95], professor of nursing, is co-principal investigator for “Development and Validation of a Patient-Reported Measure of Compassionate Care,” awarded $159,000 by the CIHR.

Dr. Grant Hatch, professor of pharmacology and therapeutics and researcher with CHRIM, received the 2020 Yves Marcel Established Investigator Award from the Canadian Society for Atherosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology and the Canadian Lipoprotein Conference.

Dr. Jennifer Hensel, assistant professor of psychiatry, was honoured as one of CBC Manitoba’s Future 40. The awards recognize 40 Manitobans age 40 and younger who have made outstanding professional or service contributions to the community and are making a difference in the lives of Manitobans.

Dr. Pingzhao Hu, assistant professor of biochemistry and medical genetics and researcher with CHRIM, received a 2019 Terry G. Falconer Memorial Rh Institute Foundation Emerging Researcher Award. Hu also received a Manitoba Medical Service Foundation Allen Rouse Basic Science Career Development Research Award for “Artificial Intelligence and Genomics-Driven Precision Oncology for Breast Cancer.”

Dr. Meaghan Jones, assistant professor of biochemistry and medical genetics and researcher with CHRIM, received $159,261 from the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund for “Breaking the link between environmental exposures and health: lessons from epigenetics.” Jones also received a Manitoba Medical Service Foundation Allen Rouse Basic Science Career Development Research Award.

Dr. Tiina Kauppinen, associate professor of pharmacology and therapeutics and researcher with CHRIM, is co-principal investigator with Dr. Michael F. Jackson, associate professor of pharmacology and therapeutics, for “Interplay of Neuroinflammation and Synaptic Plasticity in Neurodegeneration,” awarded $1,158,976 by the CIHR.

Dr. Biniam Kidane, assistant professor of surgery, was honoured as one of CBC Manitoba’s Future 40. The awards recognize 40 Manitobans age 40 and younger who have made outstanding professional or service contributions to the community and are making a difference in the lives of Manitobans.

Lorrie Kirshenbaum [B.Sc./86, M.Sc./88, PhD/92], professor of physiology/pathophysiology and pharmacology/therapeutics, Canada Research Chair in molecular cardiology, and director of the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences at the Albrechtsen Research Centre, St. Boniface Hospital, received the 2020 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Research Achievement Award.

Paul Komenda [B.Sc./97, B.Sc. (Med)/01, MD/01], a nephrologist and associate professor of internal medicine, is one of the leaders of the UM Kidney Check program, which was honoured with North American and Global awards from the UNIVANTS (Unity + Avant-Garde) of Healthcare Excellence Awards. The Kidney Check team carries out point-of-care testing to identify chronic kidney disease, diabetes and hypertension in remote communities.

Dr. Hagar Labouta, assistant professor of pharmacy, received $180,500 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council for “Combined In vitro Experimental and Computational Approaches for Predicting the Identity and Behaviour of Protein Corona-Adsorbed Nanoparticles.” She received UM funding of $25,000 for “Open laboratories: Interdisciplinary science research and education – A pilot study.”

Dr. Christine Leong [B.Sc.Pharm/10], assistant professor of pharmacy and researcher with CHRIM, received $15,000 from the Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse for “Substance use and outcomes in Manitoba” and $100,000 from Research Manitoba COVID-19 Rapid Response for “Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 public health measures on healthcare utilization, psychotropic drug use, and mortality among individuals living with mental illness.”

Lisa Lix [M.Sc./91, PhD/95], professor of community health sciences and Canada Research Chair in methods for electronic health data quality, has been named a fellow of the American Statistical Association.

Verena Menec [BA(Hons.)/89, MA/91, PhD/95], professor of community health sciences, former Canada Research Chair in healthy aging and former director of the UM Centre on Aging, was named a distinguished member of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, the highest honour given by the association.

Peter Nickerson [B.Sc. (Med.)/86, MD/86], distinguished professor of internal medicine and immunology and vice-dean research of the Rady Faculty, was honoured with the 2020 Rose Payne Award from the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Nickerson also received the 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Society of Transplantation.

Dr. Christopher Pascoe, assistant professor of physiology/pathophysiology and researcher with CHRIM, was awarded $150,000 by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council for “Elucidating the Role of the Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid Family of Eicosanoids in Airway Smooth Muscle Physiology.”

Igor Pesun [DMD/87], associate professor of restorative dentistry and director of the graduate prosthodontic program in the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, has been appointed chief examiner for prosthodontics for the Royal College of Dentists of Canada and elected to the board of the American College of Prosthodontics.

Dr. Vanessa Poliquin, assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences, was one of two Canadian physicians honoured with the Canadian Medical Association Award for Young Leaders (Early Career).

Brian Postl [MD/76], dean of the Max Rady College of Medicine, dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and vice-provost (health sciences), has been named a member of the Order of Canada for his leadership of, and involvement in, the advancement of clinical and academic health care in Manitoba.

Jacquie Ripat [BMROT/92, M.Sc./98, PhD/11], associate professor of occupational therapy, is principal investigator for “Capturing change: Understanding the physical and psychosocial impacts of adaptive bikes,” awarded $45,000 from Mitacs.

Dr. Leslie E. Roos, assistant professor of pediatrics and child health and researcher with CHRIM, was awarded $240,000 from the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund for “The Hearts and Minds Lab; Leveraging Translational Neuroscience to Support Intergenerational Well-Being.”

Dr. Noralou Roos, professor emerita of community health sciences, researcher with CHRIM, former director of the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and co-director of Get Your Benefits!, was honoured with the Institute of Public Administration of Canada’s Vanier Medal. The award recognizes Roos’s significant contribution to public service.

Jitender Sareen [B.Sc.(Med)/95, MD/95], professor and head of the department of psychiatry, received the 2020 J.M. Cleghorn Award for Excellence and Leadership in Clinical Research from the Canadian Psychiatric Association.

Brent Schacter [B.Sc.(Med)/65, MD/65], professor emeritus of internal medicine, has been named a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.

Lynn Scruby [PhD/99], assistant professor of nursing, was awarded $7,500 by the Manitoba Centre for Nursing and Health Research as principal investigator for “Designing interprofessional simulation based on student feedback and evidence in the practice of refugee health care provision.”

Jillian Stobart [B.Sc.(Hons.)/06, PhD/12], assistant professor of pharmacy, received $205,000 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council for “Delineation of astrocyte microdomain calcium events during cortical activity” and $25,000 from the Manitoba Medical Service Foundation for “Brain mural cell dysfunction and blood flow changes in aging.”

Kellie Thiessen [PhD/14], associate professor of nursing and researcher with CHRIM, received a Merit Award from UM for research, scholarly work and creative activities in 2019. The award comes with a $3,000 prize. Thiessen also received a 2019 Terry G. Falconer Memorial Rh Institute Foundation Emerging Researcher Award, recognizing exceptional innovation, leadership and promise in her field.

Dr. Sonia Udod [BA/89], assistant professor of nursing, was awarded $10,000 by the UM Research Grants Program as principal investigator for “Leadership competencies for healthcare leaders in MB: Advancing high-level change agents” and $95,876 by Research Manitoba COVID-19 Rapid Response for “The healthcare leader’s role during the COVID-19 pandemic: Integrating crisis leadership and organizational resilience.”

Dr. Reg Urbanowksi, dean of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences, is co-investigator for “Dementia in rural First Nation communities: A health and wellness project,” awarded $471,373 by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Dr. Marcelo Urquia, associate professor of community health sciences and Canada Research Chair in applied population health, has been elected to the Royal Society of Canada.

Dr. Tamra Werbowetski-Ogilvie, associate professor of biochemistry and medical genetics and Canada Research Chair in neuro-oncology and human stem cells, was awarded $1,208,700 by the CIHR for “Novel therapeutic targets for Group 3 medulloblastoma stem cells.”

Roberta Woodgate [BN/89, MN/93, PhD/01], distinguished professor of nursing, Canada Research Chair in child and family engagement in health research and healthcare, and researcher with CHRIM, was awarded $1,296,676 from the CIHR to lead “Individual Partnership Engage Grant (PEG) COVID-19 Initiative” and “Abinoonjees Nikanenim: Delivering mental health services to youth living in Island Lake Anishininew Nations.” She also received $25,000 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for “Finding solutions for the challenges faced by young workers in the COVID-19 era.”

Frederick Zeiler [B.Sc./05, MD/10], assistant professor of surgery, received $900,000 from Manitoba Public Insurance and Health Sciences Centre Foundation for “Advanced Cerebral Physiologic Monitoring and Personalized Medicine Approaches in Adult Traumatic Brain Injury” and $155,600 from the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund for “Multi-Modal Monitoring of Cerebral Autoregulation in Cranial Neurotrauma.” Zeiler also received a 2019 Terry G. Falconer Memorial Rh Institute Foundation Emerging Researcher Award.