Dr. Silvia Alessi-Severini, associate professor of pharmacy, is part of a research team awarded a grant of $1,886,073 by the CIHR for the study “Defining the Longitudinal Course, Outcomes, and Treatment Needs of Vulnerable Canadians with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.”

Ruth Barclay [BMRPT/87, PhD/08], associate professor of physical therapy, is co-principal investigator on the study “Getting Older adults OUTdoors (GO-OUT): A randomized controlled trial of a community-based outdoor walking program,” which received a CIHR grant of $569,925.

Marissa Becker [MD/99], associate professor of medical microbiology and community health sciences, is a principal investigator on the study “The impact of political conflict on the dynamics of sex work and the HIV/STI and HCV epidemic in Ukraine,” awarded $1,525,180 by the CIHR.

Dr. Ties Boerma, professor of community health sciences, was awarded a CIHR Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Population and Global Health.

Adam Burgener [B.Sc. Hons./99, PhD/05], assistant professor of medical microbiology, is a principal investigator on the study “Mucosal mechanisms of altered HIV susceptibility in adolescents,” which received $1,600,000 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Burgener is also a principal investigator for “Targeting novel pathways during HIV infection to enhance mucosal barrier integrity,” which received $1,250,000 in funding from the NIH.

Dr. Bhupendrasinh Chauhan, assistant professor of pharmacy and research associate with the George & Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation, is co-principal investigator for the project “Interventions and Policies Influencing Primary Healthcare Professionals Managing Chronic Diseases: An Evidence Synthesis,” awarded a $25,000 grant by the CIHR Pan-Canadian SPOR Network in Primary and Integrated Healthcare Innovations.

Prashen Chelikani [PhD/04], professor of oral biology, received a two-year Mitacs Accelerate Cluster grant of $416,000 with co-applicant Anthony Iacopino, dean of dentistry, for the project “Enhanced and Conformation Specific G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) Expression for Autoimmune Diagnostics.”

Dr. Joanne Embree, professor of medical microbiology and infectious diseases, received a YMCA-YWCA Women of Distinction Award in the category of science, technology and research. Embree studies perinatal transmission of infections and is a leader in research on children’s health and infectious diseases.

Dr. Joseph Gordon, assistant professor of nursing, is part of a research team for the project “The Developmental Origins of Obesity and Obesity-related Complications in Children,” funded by a CIHR grant of $2,000,000. Gordon also received a $500,000 CFI grant for his project “Comprehensive in vivo and culture-based exercise and metabolic analysis platform.”

Dr. Ruby Grymonpre [B.Sc. Pharm/80], professor of pharmacy, is principal investigator for “Building and Enhancing the Tobacco Cessation Capacity of Health Professional Interveners – Interprofessional Learning Opportunities for Pre-Licensure Health Professional Learners,” which received a grant of $110,000 from the Public Health Association of Canada.

Tom Hack [MA/91, PhD/95], professor of nursing, is co-principal applicant on the study “Development and Validation of a Patient-Reported Measure of Compassionate Care,” which received a CIHR grant of $638,356.

Andrew Halayko [M.Sc./88, PhD/97], professor of physiology/pathophysiology, pediatrics/child health and internal medicine, was awarded a CIHR Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Chronic Lung Disease Pathology and Treatment.

Dr. Emmanuel Ho, associate professor of pharmacy, received the $200,000 Leslie F. Buggey Professorship for 2016-2021.

Dr. Julie Ho, associate professor of internal medicine and immunology, is a principal investigator on the study “A randomized controlled effectiveness trial of
urine CXCL10 chemokine monitoring
post-renal transplant,” awarded $2,664,284 by the CIHR.
urine CXCL10 chemokine monitoring
post-renal transplant,” awarded $2,664,284 by the CIHR.

Anastasia Kelekis-Cholakis [DMD/92, Dip. Perio/98] and John Perry [DMD/76, M.Sc./86], associate professors of dental diagnostic and surgical sciences, published the article “Successful treatment of generalized refractory chronic periodontitis through discontinuation of waxed or coated dental floss use: A report of 4 cases” in Journal of the American Dental Association. The study generated media interest on the subject of allergies to dental floss.

Dr. Jason Kindrachuk, assistant professor of medical microbiology, was awarded a CIHR Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Molecular Pathogenesis of Emerging and Re-Emerging Viruses.

Lorrie Kirshenbaum [M.Sc./88, PhD/92], professor of physiology and pathophysiology and Canada Research Chair in molecular cardiology, received a $3,286,318 CIHR grant for his project “Regulation of programmed cell death in the heart.” The U of M and St. Boniface Hospital recently announced the appointment of Kirshenbaum as director of the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences at the Albrechtsen Research Centre, St. Boniface Hospital.

Terry Klassen [MD/82, B.Sc. Med./82], department head, pediatrics and child health, will lead the SPOR Network – Innovation in Pediatric Clinical Trials Project. The project has a budget of $8.4 million from nine funding partners, including $3,000,000 from the CIHR.

Dr. Ji Hyun Ko, assistant professor of human anatomy and cell science, received a Terry G. Falconer Memorial Rh Institute Foundation Emerging Researcher Award for his work developing imaging-based biomarkers and imaging-guided brain stimulation therapies for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, post-traumatic stress and brain injuries.

Dr. I fan Kuo, assistant professor of pharmacy, is part of an interdisciplinary research team that also includes Lorna Guse (nursing), Christine Kelly (community health sciences) and Kerstin Stieber Roger (community health sciences). The team received $259,261 from the Riverview Health Centre Alzheimer Centre of Excellence for the study “The impact of renovations in long-term care living spaces on residents with dementia, their families and the staff that care for them.”

Dr. Robert Lorway, associate professor of community health sciences, was awarded a Tier 2 SSHRC Canada Research Chair in Global Intervention Politics and Social Transformation.

Salaheddin Mahmud [PhD/09], associate professor of community health sciences, was awarded a $956,485 CIHR grant for the study “A Rapid Analytics Platform for Influenza Vaccine Evaluation and Translational Research.”

Dr. Ruth Ann Marrie, professor of internal medicine and community health sciences, was awarded the inaugural Waugh Family Chair in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Research. Marrie, a leading MS researcher, also was named one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women of 2016 by the Women’s Executive Network.

Dr. Bruce Martin [M.Sc./03], director of admissions, Max Rady College of Medicine, received the May Cohen Equity, Diversity, and Gender Award from the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada. Martin has been a strong advocate for addressing the historical under-representation in medical colleges of individuals from diverse socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, as well as learners with disabilities.

Dr. Donald Miller, professor of pharmacology and therapeutics, and Dr. Thomas Klonisch, professor of human anatomy/cell science, medical microbiology/infectious diseases and surgery, were awarded a CIHR grant of $848,595 for the study “Development of magnetic tumor killing nanoparticles to break through the blood-brain barrier.”

Michael Namaka [B.Sc.Pharm/91, M.Sc. Pharm/97, PhD/00], professor of pharmacy, received $80,000 from Prairie Plant Systems for the study “Immunomodulation of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis – Induced Neuropathic Pain Following Cannabinoid Interventional Treatment.”

Peter Nickerson [MD/86, B.Sc.Med./86], professor of internal medicine and immunology and vice-dean (research) of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, has received the title of distinguished professor. Nickerson, a leader in organ transplant research, also earned the Clinical Sciences Established Investigator Award from the American Society of Transplantation and the Paul I. Terasaki Clinical Science Award from the American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.

Dr. Michael Pickles, assistant professor of community health sciences, was awarded a CIHR Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Mathematical Modelling and Global Public Health.

Grant Pierce [PhD/83], professor of physiology and pathophysiology and executive director of research at St. Boniface Hospital, was awarded a $2,806,392 CIHR grant for his study “Dietary Flaxseed as a Nutritional Intervention for Cardiovascular Disease.” Pierce was also awarded Research Canada’s 2016 Leadership Award in recognition of his research in areas such as heart dysfunction in diabetes and prevention of cardiovascular disease through nutraceuticals.

Brian Postl [MD/76], dean of the Max Rady College of Medicine, dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and vice-provost (health sciences), received the MacNaught-Taillon Leadership Award at the conference of the Canadian Association of Health Services Research and Policy Research. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to Canadian health care through leadership and mentorship in the advancement of health policy, health information and health informatics.

Gayle Restall [BMROT/79, PhD/10], associate professor of occupational therapy, is principal investigator on the study “HIV Stigma and Discrimination in Manitoba,” funded by a CIHR grant of $32,912. Restall is also leading the study “A Decision and Communication Aid for Workplace Disclosure for People Living with HIV,” which received $18,291 from the College of Rehabilitation Sciences.

Jacquie Ripat [BMROT/92, M.Sc./98, PhD/11], associate professor of occupational therapy, is principal investigator on the study “Development of a toolkit of winter accessibility solutions,” awarded $24,292 from the University Collaborative Research Program.

Dr. Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg, distinguished professor of pediatrics and child health, was recognized with the Medal of Honour from Canada’s Health Research Foundation. The renowned pediatrician and geneticist is the first female recipient of this award since its inception in 1945.

Dr. Noralou Roos, professor of community health sciences, and Dr. Alan Katz [M.Sc./95], professor of community health sciences and family medicine, were awarded a $1,048,310 CIHR grant for the study “Beyond Structured Administrative Data (BEST DATA).”

Robert (Bob) Schroth [DMD/96, M.Sc./03, PhD/11], associate professor of preventive dental science, has received a four-year CIHR Embedded Clinician Researcher salary award of $300,000 in support of his proposed theme “Improving access to oral health care and oral health care delivery for at-risk young children in Manitoba.”

Dr. Annette Schultz, associate professor of nursing, has assumed the lead researcher role with the Manitoba SPOR Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovation Network.

Dr. Kathryn Sibley, assistant professor of community health sciences, was awarded a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Integrated Knowledge Translation in Rehabilitation Science. Sibley also received a Terry G. Falconer Memorial Rh Institute Foundation Emerging Researcher Award.

Jeff Sisler [MD/85], professor of family medicine, is concluding his role as vice-dean, continuing competency and assessment, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences. He has been appointed executive director of professional development and practice support for the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

Theresa Sullivan, associate professor of occupational therapy, received the 2017 Outstanding Occupational Therapist Award from the Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists in recognition of her contribution to the profession.

Beverley Temple [MN/97], associate professor of nursing, is a co-investigator on the study “Redefining Community-Based Service for Manitobans with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities,” which was awarded a Winnipeg Foundation grant of $950,000; $250,000 for the research component.

Kellie Thiessen [PhD/14], assistant professor of nursing, received a Career Development Award from the Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program. Thiessen’s research project is titled “The Changing Face of Maternity Care: Informing Primary Care Reform Initiatives to Improve Perinatal and System Level Outcomes.”

Genevieve Thompson [BN/97, MN/03, PhD/07], associate professor of nursing, is a co-investigator on the study “Safer Care for Older People in (residential) Environments (SCOPE),” funded by a CIHR grant of $913,577.

Dr. Marcelo Urquia, assistant professor of community health sciences, was awarded a CIHR Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Applied Population Health.

Sandra Webber [M.Sc./96, BMRPT/90, PhD/10], associate professor of physical therapy, is co-investigator on the study “Manitoba Our Voice Initiative (MOVI) – a citizen science project with older adults,” which received $24,984 from the U of M University Collaborative Research Program. Webber is also part of a research team exploring “Seasonal participation of community dwelling people with stroke,” supported by a $20,010 grant from the College of Rehabilitation Sciences.

Dr. Christina West, assistant professor of nursing, is principal investigator for “The Family Transition through Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: A Prospective Analysis Guided by a Family Systems-Expressive Arts Framework,” which received a Research Manitoba grant of $220,531.

Dr. Sheryl Zelenitsky [B.Sc. Pharm/89], professor of pharmacy, received the 2017 Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Saunderson Award for Excellence in Teaching. The university-wide award recognizes one outstanding educator who demonstrates teaching excellence and has contributed to advancing teaching and learning at both the U of M and the national or international level.