Editor Ilana Simon
Director of Communications & Marketing
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
Tel: 204-789-3427
Email: ilana.simon@umanitoba.ca
Associate Editor Alison Mayes
Matthew Kruchak
Alan MacKenzie
Alison Mayes
Brian Postl [MD/76]
Chantal Skraba
Cover Photo Wayne Perkins, Relish Branding
Design Julie Doan
Printing Premier Printing
Jeff Comber
Grajewski Fotograph Inc.
Dan Gwozdz
Larry Krotz
Matthew Kruchak
Mike Latschislaw
Alan MacKenzie
Misericordia Health Centre
Shared Health
Sikorsky Photography
Chantal Skraba
Will Swanson
Turtle Lodge Central House of Knowledge
Youth Voices Photobook