
Listening to Experience

When Dr. Zulma Rueda was studying tuberculosis transmission in Colombian prisons as part of her PhD research 14 years ago, some prisoners approached her.

Dr. Joanne Parsons works with Junior Bison volleyball players on exercises to reduce their injury risk.

Athletes’ Advocate

Soon after Joanne Parsons [BMRPT/03, M.Sc./09, PhD/14] made the move from clinical physiotherapy to academia, she initiated a research project at a Winnipeg high school.

Lisa Knisley stands with a paper in front of a research poster.

Clear Communicator

For most of her early career after graduating from UM as a nurse, Dr. Lisa Knisley [BN/94] cared for adult patients. But in 2000, she was working in a cardiac catheter lab in London, England, that served both adults and children.

Dr. Juliana (Julie) Pfeffer at a computer screen in a dental exam room.

Extracting Evidence

When Dr. Juliana (Julie) Pfeffer was growing up, she thought all dentists conducted research, taught dental students and delivered care, because her parents did all three.

Dr.-Silvia-Alessi-Severini stands in a brightly lit room with several chairs and tables behind her, next to a large window.

Real-World Investigator

People who take a prescribed benzodiazepine (such as Xanax) for a long period often build up a tolerance to it, require a higher and higher dose of it, and end up abusing it – right?