Confronting a Killer

DR. JASON KINDRACHUK was conducting postdoctoral research in Vancouver when he heard about a fellowship in Washington, D.C. that seemed too exciting to be true. “I applied, not thinking I would hear…

Deep Dive

Dentistry prof introduces fishy research to Bannatyne campus. AS A DENTIST in her home country of Sri Lanka, Dr. Devi Atukorallaya treated many children with cleft palate and cleft lip. She wanted…

Shaking the Stigma

IF YOU TAKE VITAMINS, use herbal supplements or seek treatments such as acupuncture or reflexology, you’re not alone. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, more than 70 per cent of…

Reducing the Risk

PHARMACISTS HAVE AN INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE of the human body and the drugs that can help it heal. But they also understand how medication, even when it’s properly prescribed by a doctor, has…

‘Roll’ Model

“THE WORLD IS DESIGNED FOR PEOPLE WHO WALK,” says Dr. Ed Giesbrecht [BSW/87, BMROT/94, M.Sc./06]. If walking isn’t an option and you become a wheelchair user, says the associate professor of occupational…