Dr. Vimi Mutalik peers intently into the large microscope on her office desk.

Focusing on Oral Cancer

Dr. Vimi Mutalik peers intently into the large microscope on her office desk. It’s the tool she uses to make a difference in the world.
“This is my favourite gadget,” says the assistant professor and division head of oral diagnosis at the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry. “People have their smartphones; I have my microscope.”

Dr. Ted Lakowski.
On Target

Dr. Ted Lakowski’s research passion is the relatively new field of epigenetics.
It focuses on whether certain genes are switched on (activated) or switched off (silenced) inside cells.

Toward Data Justice

About 15 years ago, medical anthropologist Dr. Robert Lorway was conducting postdoctoral research in Mysore, India.
His goal was to understand why male sex workers, who had a high prevalence of HIV infection, weren’t coming to free clinics that were run by UM, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Genevieve Thompson.
‘Out of the Shadows’

While COVID-related public health restrictions have put a pause on much of her research, Genevieve Thompson [BN/97, MN/03, PhD/07] says the pandemic is having a positive effect on the future of her work.

Diana-Sanchez-Ramirez holds a device used in her research
Respiratory Rehab at Home

When the first wave of COVID-19 hit Manitoba in March 2020, Dr. Diana Sanchez-Ramirez was less than two months into her position as assistant professor of respiratory therapy in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences.

Dr. Joss Reimer at a press conference. Manitoba flags in background.

Vaccine Voice

When Manitobans need the latest news about the provincial rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, Joss Reimer [MD/08, MPH/13] is their official source.

Portrait of Amy Oliver.
Skill Builder

If you’re a health professional, you probably left university knowing much more about patient care than about leading an equitable team or strategically managing a practice.

Portrait of Dr. Marc Mollot and Dr. Shelley Tottle-Mollot.
Double Giving

Marc Mollot [B.Sc./95, DMD/97] feels deeply fortunate that his UM education led to a fulfilling career. So does his wife, fellow dentist Shelley Tottle-Mollot [DMD/95].

Portrait of Marcia Finlayson.
Enabling Self-Care

Marcia Finlayson [BMROT/87, M.Sc./95, PhD/99] is internationally recognized for her work to improve the quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis (MS), particularly as they age.

Portrait of Karen Dunlop.
Captured by Complexity

When Karen Dunlop [BN/90, LLB/93] was a critical care nurse, her analytical mind was drawn to thorny questions, such as how far patients’ rights extend.